R.J. Ellory
pg. 141
My favorite character would have to be Joseph Vaughn. At this point Joseph is only eighteen but is already an impressive writer and a noble/determined boy. When he was fifteen and all the young girls were being raped and murdered he took it upon himself to form The Guardians. Although they were so young, they were determined to make a difference. He is also very mature for his age. He had to become mature when his father died. If I had to choose one of his traits to have, it would be his faith in himself.. He truly has faith in himself and believes he can and will make a difference in the lives of young girls. He also has faith in other people that they are also doing every thing they can to save the girls. I don't really know any one that is similar to Joseph's character.
Sounds like you favorite character is a really nice guy. i wish we could all be like this guy.