Denton Hopkins
Every book I read has to catch my eye in at least one of two ways. The first way is cover art. I know people say don't judge a book by it's cover ,but if your not willing to spend time making your cover appealing why should I spend time figuring out what your book is about. The second way is either the summary on the back or a reading of the first page( if no summary). If the author uses great detail, I can picture the setting in my mind ,and the topic interests me; I'll usually hold on to that book. The cover of my book is somewhat inviting. It has a lot of colors ,and a detailed picture. The topic does intrigue me though, tri-athalons host the worlds most fit and in-shape athletes. I'm an athlete, so I am very interested.
I would like to see you run a triathalon. Does this book inspire you to run one?