Every Second Counts
By Lance Armstrong
Pg. 41 to 82
The protagonist is Lance Armstrong. You may have already got that figured out by the title, but I am just clarifying it. Lance is a strong and courageous father of Luke, Grace, and Isabelle. His passion for biking can be described by this quote that came from this book on pg. 62, "Trouble is, you're going to lose more than you're going to win, no matter who you are. Most of us overreact when we lose, and over celebrate when we win, and I'm no exception. I have a love-hate relationship with losing: it makes me brooding and quarrelsome. But the fact is, a loss is its own inevitable lesson, and it can be just as valuable as a victory in range of experiences, if you'll examine it." He is a very outgoing character. He is so determined in the sport of cycling but he also balances his life out. He spends about an equal amount of time with his children. He had an accident while training on a very curvy, narrow road. He was riding around a curve and he was leading his group when a car came flying around the curve and smashed into him. He fractured his neck. He wanted to compete in the Olympics that year and he did. The doctors didn't recommend it but he was determined to ride. He ended up getting third and he tried his hardest and that is what he deserved. He was very disappointed but his wife, Kik, told him that she was proud of him and his accomplishment. He is stubborn. He was t stubborn to realize that she loved him even though he got third and didn't reach his goal. The stubbornness is a negative trait. He should be grateful that he even got to compete since earlier in that year he fractured his neck and the doctor told him that he had a very little chance to compete in the Olympics, but he was t determined and went right back to training even though it was very painful. Lance is an amazing character that is very inspirational to me. Most of his traits that stand out in the book are revealed during the cycling sport. The way he deals with his problems and how he reacts helps mold his character traits. These traits affect the plot by giving the plot more emotion. Lance could just describe the events that he has to go through and all the drug testing he has to do, but he chose to use emotion and describe the things him and his family has to go through to be able to live day to day in the sport of cycling. This book is so amazing! if anyone knows any other book that might be like this Lance Armstrong book, let me know because I am looking for a book that is similar to this one for my second reading book for the first quarter. Lance Armstrong doesn't write a bunch of books so I am looking for a different book by an inspiring athlete.
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